Colombia, La Esmeralda: A Colombian Coffee Gem (250g)

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In the world of coffee, there are iconic names like Brazil, Kenya, and Sumatra, known for their unique coffee profiles. Italy stands out for its love of bold coffee, and Scandinavian countries have a deep-seated coffee culture. But when it comes to coffee, there's one country that truly stands out, known worldwide for its exceptional beans: Colombia.

Coffee Profile:

  • Process: Natural Anaerobic Fermented
  • Location: San Vicente Del Caguan
  • Producer: Andrea Rodriguez
  • Farmer: Group Association
  • Varietal: Varietal Blend
  • Growing Altitude: 1450 meters

Colombia's Coffee Heritage:

Colombia's rich and distinctive coffee history is a testament to the nation's unique coffee culture. While the history of coffee in many countries is tied to colonization, Colombia's story is particularly fascinating.

Coffee found its way to Colombia in the early 18th century, brought by Jesuit priests. The spread of crops through global trade and contact between cultures is one of the few positive outcomes of colonization. Today, Colombia stands as the third-largest coffee producer globally, and this status owes much to the introduction of coffee by those Jesuit priests.

The introduction of coffee to Colombia was just the beginning of a coffee revolution that would shape the nation's identity. Colombian coffee is renowned worldwide, enjoyed by coffee drinkers from every corner of the globe.

La Esmeralda: Andrea Rodriguez's Coffee Journey:

In the heart of this coffee-loving nation, we find La Esmeralda, a family farm located in San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá. This region in southern Colombia is known for its expansive flatlands, but it's the western edge, where the Eastern mountain range begins, that serves as the canvas for coffee cultivation.

At La Esmeralda, the Rodriguez family takes coffee very seriously. They are passionate about producing specialty coffee and continuously strive to improve their operations. Experimentation is a key part of their process, and they regularly cup their own coffee to unlock the exceptional quality hidden in their beans.

Colombian coffee, with its distinct flavor profile, has earned a well-deserved place in the hearts of coffee enthusiasts around the world. And La Esmeralda, under the stewardship of Andrea Rodriguez, is a testament to Colombia's enduring love affair with coffee and its commitment to producing some of the world's finest beans.

From the Jesuit priests of the 18th century to the Rodriguez family's dedication today, the history of Colombian coffee is one of passion, innovation, and excellence. This history, rich and diverse, is a testament to the enduring legacy of Colombian coffee.

More Information

Item Condition New
Manufacturer Limited Coffee
Aromatic Notes Red Grape Stone Fruit
Roasting Medium
Origin Single Origin
Recommended Brew Method Moka Pot, V60
Source Colombia, La Esmeralda
Intensity pronounced acidity, clear and mild cup, more origin flavors


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